Home Inspection Mistakes to Avoid

Before buying a house, make sure to hire a professional inspector to come to look at the property. Otherwise, you might not know if there are any major problems with the house, which could cause major headaches down the road. It has almost become standard practice for a buyer to have an inspection, but even if you plan on having an inspection, there are some common mistakes you should avoid. 

Not Picking The Right Inspector

An inspection is only as good as the inspector, so don’t just go with the cheapest one. Besides, the cheapest inspector could be inexperienced or they could have trouble finding clients for other reasons. 

You don’t have to hire the most expensive inspector either. They may be charging too much for a job that could be done for less. The bottom line is: make sure you do your research. Even if your realtor suggests an inspector, it can’t hurt to go online and check them out. 

Visit their website, check out reviews and testimonials, and make sure to ask them for a sample inspection report. You want them to include lots of pictures and details that explain the home’s strengths and weaknesses in their report. Then compare their sample inspection report with other sample reports to see how thorough they are. You want as much information as possible so you can get accurate estimates on how much different repairs will cost.

Not Personally Attending The Inspection 

It is important to meet the inspector and shake their hand. Knowing the inspector on a personal basis could come in handy down the line when you have a question about the inspection report. If you know the inspector, you can call them up and ask them about something.

Also, you want to know that your inspection is being done properly, but if you don’t stick around for the inspection, it is pretty hard to tell if they are rushing through the job. 

Skipping the inspection also means you probably won’t get another opportunity to see certain parts of the house until you own it. You might not have seen the attic crawl space or inside the electric box during the open house, and the home inspection is a perfect time to tell if there are any problems with those sorts of areas before it’s too late.

Lastly, you want to be there during the inspection to talk to the inspector about certain problems. It’s one thing to see the inspector’s notes in the report, but those can often be too technical for the average home buyer. If you are at the inspection, there’s a good chance that the inspector will talk you through any problems they find. 

Home Inspection.

Not Letting The Inspector Do Their Job

While it is important to be at the inspection, you should be aware that the inspector is focused on looking for flaws in a house they’ve never been to before. You want to ask them questions, but it’s best to wait until they are done with one area before you start talking their ear off. 

The worst thing you can do during an inspection is hover over the inspector and distract them so much that they end up missing some major problems. An inspector should be there for about 2-4 hours, depending on the size of the house and the problems they find. So, there is plenty of time to talk to them about what they find at some point during the inspection. 

Many times, the inspector will initiate the conversation. Inspectors are not always the most chatty people, but when they find a problem they will usually call you over and explain things to you. It might be difficult to comprehend what they are talking about if they are explaining technical issues, but if you’re not present, it will be much harder to understand an issue while you are reading their report. 

Not Taking Lots Of Pictures

Inspectors will often ask you to take pictures while they are explaining a problematic area to you. These pictures could come in handy when you are trying to get proper estimates down the line. You should take as many pictures as you can, especially when it comes to anything that the inspector told you might need attention. You want to get close-ups from multiple angles and capture all the serial numbers and stickers on anything you can. 

You should even take pictures of things that might not seem important at the moment. You might not need these for getting estimates, but there might come a time when you wish you had them. The inspector will also be taking pictures during their inspection, which will be included in the report, but they are often smaller and might be hard to see. 

Not Reading The Inspection Report

Even if you followed the inspector around and asked all the right questions, you should still read the inspection report. There might be problems that the inspector didn’t talk to you about because they don’t need immediate attention, but you still want to know that information. You may be able to include minor issues in your request for repairs, which could help bring the sale price down. 

The inspection report will also be a good reference when you want to make repairs or have any problems down the line. If you asked questions during the inspection, you will be more detailed when talking to contractors or technicians later. For all intents and purposes, an inspection report should almost be considered to be the user’s manual for your new house, and the people that read the user’s manual usually doesn’t have as many problems as those who skip it.

Daily Chores to Keep a Clean House

If you’re not in the habit of cleaning daily, it may seem daunting, but many tasks are simple to keep up with once you get in a routine.

So whether you’re in the process of selling and need a squeaky clean home for showings, or you’re just sick of the constant grime, here are four daily tasks that will keep your home looking spick and span.

Keeping counter-tops clean.

1) Dishes and Countertops:

It’s no secret that everyone’s least favorite chore is doing the dishes, but if you let them pile up in the sink, it only creates more stress and grime to tackle later. Instead, make it a rule to clean the kitchen immediately after use, and you’ll find over time, cleaning the kitchen will stop being a point of dread.

This rule not only applies to doing dishes, but to cleaning countertops and the stove as well. Be sure to wipe down all surfaces you cooked or ate on and if you’re feeling extra productive, a quick sweep of the kitchen floor never hurts.

2) Straighten Up and Declutter:

This is a seemingly simple task, but it’s one that people often neglect until company is coming over. Instead of letting the house descend into chaos, try straightening up as you notice things. Perhaps, it’s just folding the blanket on the couch or putting an item away instead of leaving it on the counter. If you can’t find a place for an item, and it’s not something you actually use, consider donating or selling it.

3) Make Your Bed:

Nothing will instantly pull together the look of a bedroom like a nicely made bed. If you feel overwhelmed by the mess in your bedroom, start with your bed, which is usually the centerpiece of the room. That should immediately improve the look of the room and make it seem more manageable to tackle the rest. If you get in the habit of making your bed as soon as you get out of it, you’ll hardly consider it a chore. If you have kids, get them in this habit as well — it teaches them responsibility and it’s fewer beds for you to make!

4) Folding Laundry

Similar to dishes, laundry is a task that can pile up, except it’s considered more acceptable to leave it for multiple days. It’s easy to understand why laundry becomes such a nuisance, it’s a multi-step chore. You have to separate colors, load the washer, load the dryer and then fold everything and put it away. If you have a large family, this can be an overwhelming task. Consider folding the clean laundry while you watch a show or movie — you’ll hardly even notice you’re doing a chore!

Home Staging 101: How to Sell Your Home Fast

If you’re planning to sell your house, you’ve probably heard of the term home staging by now. The goal of home staging is to make your house more attractive in order to appeal to a larger number of buyers. Since everything is a numbers game, the more interested buyers, the quicker and higher your home sells for. Sounds simple, right? The concept is, but results can vary based on how well your home is staged.

Some sellers spend a couple thousand for home staging professionals to come in and redecorate the place. If you can afford to do this, by all means, go for it. If that’s not in your budget, there are still basic principles you can follow to help your house sell faster and for more.

Follow these five steps to get your home ready to sell:

1) Declutter and Organize

Declutter household items.

This is a seemingly simple task, but daunting nonetheless due to the amount of clutter we tend to accumulate over time. However, this is probably the most important thing you can do before you sell. It’s also a great way to make some extra cash (sell what you don’t want or donate the rest) and as a bonus, you’ll get to move into a new place with a clean slate, only bringing the items you actually value.

To get started, take it one room at a time. If you hop from room to room, it can become overwhelming. After you declutter, be sure to designate where the unwanted items will go, either donate, recycle (if possible) or sell them. Next, you’ll want to reorganize your remaining items so that everything has a place. Finally, do a deep clean. If cleaning isn’t your strong suit, you may want to consider bringing in professional help.

2) Rearrange Furniture

Newly arranged furniture in the living room of a luxury home.

Unless you run an interior design blog, chances are your furniture is arranged in a comfortable + practical way, as it should be. However, now is the time to style it up for looks — not comfort. This means removing outdated pieces and adding in new, modern furniture. If you simply can’t afford to spend anything, still move around what you have — sometimes that’s all it takes for a fresh look. If you’re not sure how to start arranging the furniture, browse the website or Instagram of modern retailers such as Crate & Barrel or West Elm for inspiration.

3) Paint Works Wonders

Wall paint contrast.

An easy and inexpensive way to update your home is with a fresh coat of paint. The safe bet is to go with light colors, such as white, light grey or blue. These are neutral colors that appeal to most people (remember that’s the goal here) and can help brighten + enlarge the look of a room. Most people are pleasantly surprised by how new paint can transform their space.

4) Accessorize Your Space

Rear kitchen bench styled with cut flowers and colorful saucepans.

You don’t have to go all out here, but adding a decorative plant, candle or even stack of books can warm up the space and add a cozy feel. This doesn’t mean fill every inch of empty space, you just decluttered for a reason. Instead, select maybe three decorative items per room, less if it’s a small space. Also, make sure the items are relevant to the space. For example, you might add a throw blanket in the bedroom or a bowl of fruit on the kitchen counter. The goal is to keep it simple and attractive.  

5) Mow the Lawn

Mulching garden beds with pine bark pieces

It’s easy to get hung up on the interior details, but you can’t neglect the outside either. Keep in mind, your home’s exterior is the first thing buyers see, and if they don’t like it, chances are they won’t make it inside. It doesn’t have to look professionally landscaped, but some general maintenance goes a long way.

That being said, keep the lawn mowed, edges trimmed, and weeds pulled. Give your front door a fresh coat of paint and add a new welcome mat or planter on the front stoop. Clean the windows, gutters, and remove any debris from the yard. If you have plant beds, be sure to clean those up as well and maybe spring for new mulch or flowers. It sounds like a lot of work (and it is), but the reward will be worth it.

Four Ways to Increase Your Curb Appeal

How would you rate your home’s curb appeal? If you’re trying to sell, let’s hope its good!

Curb appeal is crucial to helping your home sell fast and for more. When prepping a home to sell, people often focus on the inside — painting, refinishing floors and staging. This is all 100% necessary, but you can’t neglect the outside either, because first impressions can make or break you.

That being said, you don’t have to hire a professional landscaper to get your home noticed. Most of the work can be done yourself, without breaking the bank.

DIY – painting door.

Here are four ways to make your home’s exterior stand out:

1) Paint the Front Door

If your front door has cracked or peeling paint, it’s time for a fresh coat. Also, color trends often change, if your door hasn’t been painted in a long time, you may want to consider an updated color such as navy blue or maroon. While you’re at it, go ahead and spruce up the entire front stoop. Consider adding a new welcome mat or potted plant to go with your freshly painted door.

2) Yard Maintenance

Everyone’s least favorite chore, but probably the most important thing you can do when selling. Basic tasks like mowing the lawn, trimming edges and pulling weeds can make all the difference. Make sure to remove any debris such as leaves or fallen branches from your yard. Maybe even spring for some new mulch or flowers to add a finishing touch!

3) Light it Up

Proper lighting not only allows potential buyers to see your place at night, but it also adds a level of security. Start off by updating what you have– switch out old lights for new bulbs that are energy-efficient and offer better lighting. If you don’t have much lighting, to begin with, consider pathway lights (bonus points if they’re solar-powered) that will illuminate your walkway at night.

4) Gutters, Cracks and More

This is probably the most labor-intensive category, but necessary nonetheless. As houses age, cracks develop, fences get worn, gutters are over-do for cleaning. Now is your chance to update anything that has developed as an eyesore. Think of it this way, instead of adding new things to your exterior, consider updating what you already have — that’s all you typically need to improve your home’s curb appeal.

Eco-Friendly Upgrades That Are Worth the Investment

There are many ways to add eco-friendly upgrades to your home that will help the environment and save you money in the long run. Some require a bigger investment and others are a no brainer. Regardless of whether you start small or jump straight into solar panels, you’ll still reduce energy costs + help out the environment — so it’s a win-win!

Below are four eco-friendly home upgrades that will have a significant impact on your savings.  

1) Appliances

Eco-friendly appliances such as washers, dryers, dishwashers, and refrigerators, conserve more energy and use less water. They’re a little more expensive, but if you’re already installing new appliances, it makes sense to splurge for energy-efficient ones. If all your appliances are still in good shape, there’s no reason to replace them all, but if one dies, consider replacing it with an energy-efficient model. If you continue to do this over time, you’ll end up with serious savings.

Eco-friendly Appliances.

2) LED Lighting

LED lighting is perhaps the most affordable eco-friendly upgrade you can make. Unlike appliances, it’s worth it to replace all of your bulbs even if they haven’t burned out yet. An LED light uses approximately 20% of the energy required for an incandescent bulb with the same lighting quality, so switching out your current bulbs will payout in no time at all.

Eco-friendly LED light bulb.

3) Windows

If you’ve been considering upgrading your windows, now is the time to spring for some extra insulation. Cheap or improperly sealed windows can be the reason for out of control energy bills, which makes sense as windows protect your home from the elements. If you’re looking to upgrade, opt for double glazed windows. It will cost more upfront, but proper insulation makes a huge difference.

White window glass.

4) Solar Panels

This is by far the most expensive option, but if you’re serious about making an impact and reducing your home’s energy costs, solar panels are the way to go. This is an upgrade that will pay off over time, so it’s probably not the best idea if you’re planning to move in the near future. Although, when you do decide to move, solar panels can give you a hefty return on investment.

Solar panels on the roof of the house

Instant Value Added Renovations That Won’t Break Your Bank

Whether you’re an investor looking to flip a house for a profit or a homeowner trying to make practical improvements, it’s important to know which renovations actually add value to your property and which ones end up costing you.

If you want to give yourself a big, beautiful new kitchen that you are going to use and love for years to come, go ahead and make it happen. But you should know that it will give you a very low return on your investment (ROI).

A renovation that costs $1,000 and has an ROI of 100% will end up adding $1,000 of value to the property, which means you will break even when you sell. So, if you want to add value to a house, you are going to want to stick to renovations that have an ROI of over 100%.

Here are a few renovations that have such a high ROI, it actually pays to do them.

Adding A New Roof

Buyers want a solid roof over their heads. That’s why adding a new roof was ranked as the number one renovation to add value to a home in the 2017 Remodeling Impact Report from the National Association of Realtors.

Sellers who spent an estimated $7,500 on adding a new roof increased the sale price of a house by $8,150, which means they saw an ROI of 109%. Adding a new roof helps with sales so much that nearly half of the realtors polled suggested owners should do this renovation before trying to sell.

Roof of a residential house showing damage, multiple layers of shingles, missing shingles


If buyers keep getting cold feet, it might have something to do with the old insulation in the house. You can fix that by installing loose-fill fiberglass insulation in the attic. This cheap renovation provides an ROI of around 107%, according to Remodeling Magazine.

It can also be a good way to attract and entice potential home buyers that are environmentally conscious or simply want to save on their electricity bills. Adding insulation can save homeowners anywhere between 10% to 50% on their heating and cooling bills, which can make buyers feel like they are making a good investment.

Man installing thermal roof insulation layer – using mineral wool panels. Attic renovation and insulation concept


You won’t have to pay a dime to paint the interior of your house if you are the one behind the brush, according to a HomeGain survey from 2012. At an average cost of $967, painting interior rooms, removing wallpaper, and covering watermarks, increased the final sale price of a home by $2,001, which means you can recoup 107% of the cost. You can bring the sale price up even more if you paint rooms the right color.

However, painting the exterior of a house does not give you nearly as high of an ROI. Even if you save on labor costs by doing the paint job yourself, you only stand to recoup around half of your expenses. So, it might be better to leave that renovation project to the new owners.

Electrical & Plumbing Repairs

If you know how to repair leaking pipes, fix broken outlets, replace old faucets, or update electrical wiring, you could increase the price of your house by a shocking amount. At an average cost of $808, sellers who DIY’d these repairs could expect to increase the sale price of their home by $3,175, which is an ROI of 293%.

Lawn Care

Getting the grass to be greener on your side of the fence can be one of the most cost-effective renovations of all.

Performing a standard lawn care service has an ROI of 267%, according to the National Association of Landscape Professionals. More than half of the realtors polled suggested that sellers should perform lawn care, which includes 6 applications of fertilizer and weed control on a 2,835 square-foot lawn, before trying to sell.

Giving your house curb appeal can also attract new buyers who walk by and see the ‘For Sale’ sign sticking out of the perfectly cut grass.

Two story double car garage with beautiful landscaped front yard – large suburban home.

Remember that these numbers are all averages and estimates, so you are not guaranteed to see the same ROI for your renovation. However, if you are trying to sell a home that’s not on par with the rest of the neighborhood, doing renovations with an ROI of less than 100% can still bring the value of the property closer to the rest of the neighborhood, which can be enough to make the renovation worthwhile.

6 Ways to Make a House Feel Bigger

Are you trying to sell a house that can only be described as “cozy?” Maybe it’s bigger than you think.

With these cheap and easy tips, you can make your little house feel a whole lot bigger, which should make your sale price a little bigger as well.

Add More Light

Natural light is the easiest and best way to make a room feel light and airy. Opening a window essentially brings the outside world in, which, unless your windows face a brick wall, can make a room seem much larger.  

If you don’t have enough natural light, add some lamps to brighten up any dark corners. Your eyes will be drawn to the corners of a room if they are well lit.

bedroom lighting

Use Pale Paint

There’s a reason almost every wall in every house you’ve ever seen has been the same color. White walls reflect light, which makes them seem like they are farther away than they actually are.

But if white is too bland for you, there are a myriad of other pale colors and shades that you can use. In fact, painting a whole room the same shade of white can make it feel flat, which will make it feel small. Try painting the ceiling a lighter shade than the walls to give the room a sense of depth.

Add Some Mirrors

Mirrors can make things appear larger than they are, which is why designers often use them in small rooms. Not only do mirrors reflect light and color, they also add depth to a room. Placing a mirror opposite a window is a good way to increase the amount of light in a room.

Add Some Stripes

Adding stripes can elongate aspects of a room if they are aligned properly. For instance: adding curtains with vertical stripes can make a room seem taller, and adding a rug with stripes that go the length of the room will make it look longer.

Or, if you want to make a bigger fashion statement, you can paint stripes on the walls, ceilings, and even floors. However, you can achieve a similar effect simply by aligning your floorboards or tiles parallel to the longest wall in a room.

White and grey flat interior with striped carpet, corner couch and green plants

Arrange The Furniture

Nothing makes a room feel more cluttered than badly-arranged furniture. It is important to think about what pieces a room actually needs. Figure out where the largest pieces of furniture fit best and then add smaller pieces around them.

Think about where the traffic will flow in a room. Make sure furniture is not blocking any entryways, and allow a lot of room for footpaths through rooms. As a general rule: the more floor you can see, the better.

To directly contradict the last point, pulling the couch away from the wall and adding a narrow gap of 2-4 inches will actually make a room feel larger. Having a space behind the couch creates a shadow that will add depth and make it feel further away from the wall than it actually is.

Use See-Through Furniture

A coffee table normally takes up a lot of real estate in the living room, but it doesn’t have to feel that way. Using see-through furniture pieces, such as an acrylic coffee table, a glass desk, or a mesh office chair, gives you all the functionality without feeling like they take up as much space.

Lounge area in luxury apartment show home showing interior design decor furnishing with sea view

You can also trade in your big, bulky leather chairs and couches for ones that have raised legs. The space underneath them will simultaneously create shadows that add depth, and allow more light to bounce around the room.

Also, consider trading your old shower curtain in for a clear one. You’ll probably have to clean your shower more often, but it could easily make your bathroom feel more spacious.

Paint with These Colors and Sell Your House for More

Buyers have a hard time imagining what a house would look like in a different color. So, you’re not doing yourself any favors by painting your living room neon pink (or neon anything for that matter). You might like the color of your house, but it could be scaring potential buyers away.

According to a recent paint color analysis by Zillow, you could increase the sale price of your home for the cost of a can of paint. The online real estate database analyzed more than 135,000 photos from listings across the country that sold since 2010 to find out how homes with certain colors compared to similar homes that were painted white.

Front Door

Painting your front door a charcoal color, specifically a smoky black to a rich jet black, can boost the sale price of a home by 2.9 percent. That means the average house with a black door sold for a staggering $6,271 more than expected.

“For a seller, painting a front door is one of the least expensive home prep projects, but also one that can have a powerful impact on a home’s sale price,” Kerrie Kelly, Zillow home design expert, said.

Grey house exterior with black door and stone wall.

Living Room

Home buyers want their new living room to have a warm, comfortable feeling. That’s why painting your living room a light taupe, specifically a warm tan with pink or peach undertones, could increase the sale price by up to 1.3 percent. On average, light taupe living rooms netted $2,793 more than homes with white or other color walls.

Modern interior of living room with gray sofa, lamp,shelf,coffee table


Homeowners who used neutral colors in the bathroom, like a light blue, specifically a periwinkle blue, increased the sale price of their home by 1.3 percent, which comes out to $2,786 on average. That’s a lot more than the cost of a can of paint!

Light blue velux bathroom with window. View of white antique freestanding bath tub, washbasin stand and toilet

On the other hand, a study conducted by Zillow last year found that homes with bathrooms that were totally painted white sold for $4,035 less than expected.


According to the research, homebuyers are willing to spend more for homes that had a tuxedo kitchen, a style that has light-colored upper cabinets and walls with dark-colored lower cabinets and islands, sold for $1,547 more than expected.

Modern kitchen with white brick tiles and wooden ceiling

“Contrasting colors, especially in kitchens and home exteriors add interest and dimension to a room that plays very well in listing photos and videos,” Kerrie Kelly said.

However, when buyers saw red in the kitchen, they paid $2,310 less than expected. This includes everything from brick red to a lighter shade of raspberry red.

Front view of modern kitchen interior in red color theme.


They used to say “If you want to sell her, paint her yellow,” but they would be wrong today. In fact, Zillow’s study showed that all kinds of yellow, from a creamy bright yellow to a warm yellow with brown undertones, can drop the price of the average US home by $3,408. Now that’s an expensive paint job!

Windows of wooden yellow house, decorated with fresh flowers.

Dining Room

It seems like the average buyer doesn’t find brown to be an appetizing color. Homes with brown dining rooms sold for an average of $1,684 less. Buyers didn’t want to eat in dining rooms that were an oat brown or a medium sandy brown or a brown with yellowish undertones.

But homebuyers in Tampa, Florida, were willing to spend an extra 11.8 percent for a dining room that was painted “greige,” or a mix of gray and blue.

“Greige is a non-offensive color, a very natural look, and that’s a key word today,” Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute, told the Los Angeles Times.

Interior design trends change every year, so don’t expect these colors to remain in fashion. However, year after year, homes that are painted in neutral colors tend to command higher prices. So, when in doubt, pick a boring color.

In the end, you want buyers to focus on the space, not the color. If they don’t like it, they can paint it whatever color they want – after they buy it.